EB foto 835x408 EN sklad-such-zrna1Grain Saving System

The system of storage of dry grain so called "GRAIN SAVER SYSTEM" was discovered in Argentina about 15 years ago and it was gradually expanded to the whole world. We adapted this system to the European market together with our long-time partner in the field of grain storage, the company FARMMAC AB, from Sweden. The storage of dry grain in bags gives us many economical and operational advantages and it is one of the alternative how to store dry grain effectively in the different climatic conditions.

How storage of dry grain in a bag works

A big amount of air breaks away the bag during the bagging of grain and one rest percent is used by stored grain, living organism, insects. It is changed to carbon dioxide by the breathing of cells. The balance between the concentration of oxygen and the concetration of carbon dioxide happens approximately after 30 days after storing grain to the bag. The breathing of cells stops approximately after 45–50 days and the bag containing carbon dioxide does not allow to survive any insect in the bag.

Skladování suchého zrna ve vaku
Suché zrno skladované ve vaku
Systém skladování suchého zrna
Skladování suchého zrna ve vacích

Our offer of machines from the category Grain Saver System:

ISO 9001:2015

Our products are regurarly atested. We have certificate of quality ISO 9001 according valid regulations.

Service of machines

Our technician are ready to provide you the best service of machines.

Development department

Our technicians and designers are constantly working on inovations and improvements or our products to achieve their optimal features.
