EB foto 835x408 EN sklad-such-zrna1Storage of industrial by-products

It is possible to store brewer’s grain with silage baggers. But it is recommended to use the bag of the diameter maximal 2,4 m or to use a simple bag charger GB6 SF with the cross screw. Other possibility is to fill the bag directly from the trailer through the usage of the special adapter. It means the whole amount of the trailer “is poured“ to the bag – the lenght of the bag is about 10 – 15 meters.

It is also possible to store fiber-rich sugarbeet pulps eventually by-products originating from the production of bioethanol. All mentioned products are important supplement of the daily feed ration. The storage of these products in bags is not difficult, but it requires some certain rules during the storage.

Our offer of machines for storage of industrial by-products:

Skladování suchého zrna ve vaku
Suché zrno skladované ve vaku
Systém skladování suchého zrna
Skladování suchého zrna ve vacích

ISO 9001:2015

Our products are regurarly atested. We have certificate of quality ISO 9001 according valid regulations.

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Our technicians and designers are constantly working on inovations and improvements or our products to achieve their optimal features.
