Silážní lis EB 310 LG

EB 310_LG_-_CZ_2018_-_used_page-0002

  • 2018
  • Slovakia
  • 300 vaků
  • 3,0 + 2,7m
  • Hydraulické čištění dna

více o EB 310 LG


V případě zájmu či dalších dotazů kontaktujte pana Lacinu - telefonicky (+420 737 185 170) nebo na e-mailu  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

ISO 9001:2015

Our products are regurarly atested. We have certificate of quality ISO 9001 according valid regulations.

Service of machines

Our technician are ready to provide you the best service of machines.

Development department

Our technicians and designers are constantly working on inovations and improvements or our products to achieve their optimal features.
